Discovering the Unique Flavors of Buds Beans' Guatemalan Coffee

Indulge in the rich and flavorful coffee experience of Buds Beans' Guatemalan Coffee, sourced from the Asociación Barillense de Agricultores (ASOBAGRI) in the Huehuetenango region. This coffee is not just any ordinary coffee, it's a product of the unique terrain, culture, and people of Guatemala. This blog post takes you on a journey to discover the story behind this special coffee, from the spectacularly rugged terrain to the coffee farmers who cultivate and harvest their own coffee on small farms.

Additionally, learn about the innovative and sustainable practices employed by ASOBAGRI, such as using coffee pulp to make organic fertilizers, income diversification investments, and promoting gender equality throughout the organization. The coffee is grown using organic practices, making it a perfect choice for coffee lovers who care about the environment and their health.

Taste the smooth and delicious flavors of milk chocolate, orange, and caramel in every cup, as you read about the coffee processing method, cupping notes, and roast level. Whether you're a coffee connoisseur or just looking for a new coffee to try, Buds Beans' Guatemalan Coffee is sure to impress. Get ready to discover the unique flavors of this organically sourced coffee.

Brewing Recipes for Buds Beans Guatemalan Coffee: French Press and Moka Pot

French Press:


  • 1 cup of Buds Beans Guatemalan coffee, coarsely ground

  • 8 oz of water

  • French press coffee maker


  1. Preheat the French press with hot water.

  2. Add the coffee grounds to the press and pour in the hot water.

  3. Stir the coffee to ensure all grounds are wet.

  4. Place the lid on the French press with the plunger on top, but do not press down.

  5. Let the coffee steep for 4 minutes.

  6. Slowly press down on the plunger to separate the coffee from the grounds.

  7. Pour the coffee into your mug and enjoy.

Moka Pot:


  • 1 cup of Buds Beans Guatemalan coffee, finely ground

  • 8 oz of water

  • Moka pot


  1. Fill the bottom of the Moka pot with water, up to the valve.

  2. Fill the coffee basket with the finely ground coffee, level and tamp it down.

  3. Place the coffee basket into the bottom part of the Moka pot.

  4. Screw the top of the Moka pot onto the bottom.

  5. Place the Moka pot on the stove over medium heat.

  6. As the water heats, pressure will build and the coffee will start to come out of the spout.

  7. Once the coffee has filled the upper part of the Moka pot, remove from heat.

  8. Pour the coffee into your mug and enjoy.


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